Another future project braindump
More FOSS course feedback and tools
More want-to-read notes: parental choice, deafening qualitative research, software as material, data feminism, cripping the university
For later thinking: a braindump
Integrity, not reliability
Today's observations on my ADHD
Image Description: Race Matters - a story about white privilege
On rescinding guidance documents
On ADHD adaptations
Blog reboot, Jekyll edition
Open Science Songs: Sign This Publishing Plan
Open Science Songs: Do you hear the people sing
A puppet show on objectivity and quantification
Students Assign Me Homework, Fall 2018 edition
Starting point: constructs of culture and curriculum (with Tess Edmonds)
The time when I met Rebecca and Stephanie together (a Deaf academics story)
Compagnie Kafig (old notes writeup)
Post-conference happiness from FIE
Wingsuits and giant eagles
How do I make my conference more accessible/inclusive?
Feedback on the FOSS projects course (RIT) from spring 2018
"What is Engineering" in the inaugural issue of Murmurations
ASLCore: affordance theory, or "thing-inform"
ASLCore: stress/strain curve zoom levels
Why I can’t (yet) teach engineering in ASL
Parents have visited, semester winding down
Presenting at RIT's Interdisciplinary STEM Ed Research Forum
ASL lector notes for the Easter Vigil Mass - 1st reading (Genesis 1-2, Creation)
Mass Lector prep notes, part 2
Mass Lector prep notes, part 1
The doors we leave open
Music and movement as a reboot/shuffle button for my atypical attention inertia (ADHD)
Why Deafening Engineering? Because onto(ethico)epistemologies.
APA style and qualitative research methods resources in ASL
Thinkaloud: missing home and missing people, but where are the spaces in which I can actually live?
I love the rhetoric in this guide to online conference accessibility.
RIT FOSS projects: midterm praxis reflection assignment (feedback welcome!)
Liveblogging RIT's FOSS projects class: initial questions for community spelunking
What goes through my mind on the first day of teaching as a faculty member
Seeing myself in the (literal) mirror at NTID's IT office
Talk notes: "Technologies that wake you up" from a DHH perspective
The CAT Lab Abstract Sorting Hat, Version 0.1
Lab research setup email: creating Zotero accounts
Things that have made me happy lately: qual methods companion resource in ASL, my upcoming review of wake-up systems
Thanksgiving recipe rap: Alexander Hamilton
Reading effectively: how my practice evolved from engineer to scholar
Playing with O*NET visualizations for degree program proposals
Gallaudet Peer Mentoring Certificate Program: first impressions
Book braindumps: E. D. Hirsch, Jr. - Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs To Know
Dissertation defense slides and transcript now available (help me find a better way to publish it?)
First notes from learning audio engineering
Curricular principle: being as well as knowing
Silliness: how one might possibly set fire to the rain (as per song lyrics)
Thoughts on Matthew Guterl's piece on "surviving graduate school"
On writing: a glove that fits
Comic: Products and Practitioners: how a visibility of developmental processes aids in practitioner formation
Comic: 7 Techniques Adapted From Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory
Oral deaf audio MacGyver: identifying speakers
Starter back and shoulder workouts
Some thoughts that I don't want to have, regarding people getting shot
Postmodernism for engineers: the (draft) collection
Postmodernism: paradigmatic comparison
Postmodernism: what engineering education might learn from the "postmodern turn" in educational studies
Postmodernism: a troubling of the historical narrative I just provided for postmodernism
Postmodernism: a (reluctant) historical progression
Postmodernism: in engineering (education) praxis
Postmodernism: what is it? (for engineers)
Postmodernism: slicing and separations (agential and other cuts)
Postmodernism: many truths and meanings (intersubjective, intertext, signs, signifiers, slippage)
Postmodernism: power and agency (readerly/writerly)
The Feast of the Assumption always makes me smile.
Brief notes from England: Sally and Steph
Grandparent communications
Writing spaces
Reading the labels of canned beans
Startup/shutdown and research circuit routines
Qualitative research: the discussion section, or: "kryptonite - so what?"
Things I want to remember while writing
QualMIP week 11: semester feedback
Musings on movement and somatics in qualitative methodology
Want more inclusivity at your conference? Add childcare.
High-level reading notes: "Promotion and Tenure: Community and Socialization in Academe"
Another research progress-organization braindump
Facebook page public personas cannot join groups (experiment results)
Notes from talking with Ruth
QualMIP week 10: topic tracking and project progress
QualMIP week 9: alignment of project components
Current thesis articulation problems, aka "postmodernism is hard"
The ADHD Academic: a ritual of typed thinkalouds
Notes from a DeafSpace talk by Hansel Bauman, plus going voice-off
One current answer to "So how's the writing going?"
QualMIP Week 8: narrowing research question and unit of analysis
The infrastructure that supports a dissertation is ridiculous.
QualMIP week 7: close reading of data
QualMIP: interim game plan clarification
Braindump edition: playing with language to describe my research
QualMIP week 6: first project-focused "research meeting" and getting "better" at "this," for some value of "better" and "this"
Learning activities for when your students are exploring areas you don't know (inspired by open source)
QualMIP week 5: fumbling into project mode
Advice to a high schooler about pursuing teaching and learning
What does the word "maker" mean?
QualMIP week 4: artifact analysis scavenger hunt
Update, dissertation, braindump style.
My philosophy on how to change the world
QualMIP and Insper: finding our habitual scripts
QualMIP Week 3: protocol testing and "qual is everywhere"
QualMIP week 2: Interview nonverbals
Thoughts on my family's language
Curriculum is for, by, and of both faculty and students
A few shiny things on engineering identity
QualMIP week 1: sensitizing to nonverbals
QualMIP starting agreements: fieldwork focus, grace weeks, sustainability, and more.
How Future Faculty Mel wants to be evaluated
If I post this thought I've been avoiding, can I start focusing again?
Thoughts on "Transformative Conversations" (a book on faculty mentoring communities)
Dissertation memo: Julia and the faculty literature review
Brain-fragment: what can we infer about our pedagogical beliefs by looking at the software we design?
Speak out against MBTA paratransit cuts
The sections of a research study
What isn't (and is) the Collaboratory?
Writing this in between dissertation sprints
On the relative openness of text/document formats: .txt and .csv
Sticky Engagements, or: how to get students to plaster walls with self-determination theory stickies
My college ring as an adaptation for both deafness and ADHD
Short comics about hearing aid tech
Loud music in the car
After The Rain, part II
My bio blurb for tomorrow's ASEE diversity panel is a shameless call for help on my dissertation.
Recipe cartoons from "Cooking Mondays with Mel" and our ESTEEM service dinner
From Debbie Chachra: what I want to tell my future research students when they start
How and why to caption your engineering tutorial videos
Protocol draft: codesigning classes with my (future) students
Ite, inflammate omnia: on Pentecost, impossible lipreading, and the wine at Cana
If I were to teach 1cr/cocurriculars at Olin, what would they be?
Being deaf is: unlearning "paper face" (proceed until NAK vs. wait for ACK)
Members of the Olin community respond to NYT "How To Attract Female Engineers" article
On the diversity-readiness of STEM environments: "It's almost as if I could only enter the makerspace as a janitor."
Megan, or: holding pool towels at the First Luminous Mystery, and satellites, and light
Being deaf is: choosing between having emotions and communicating them (also: "met deaf wow" moment)
Being deaf is: unknowingly mispronouncing lots of common words
Welcome to Italy. I'm an illegal immigrant from Holland.
Thoughts on being a deaf extrovert
On contract/specs-based grading and intrinsic motivation
Sarcastic Mel Sighting: backstory of "Communicating Is So Inefficient" (PRISM column)
Learned today: babies are 3kHz vuvuzelas to match the Fletcher-Munson curve of hearing people
Pushing back on the STEAM acronym
How to succeed in engineering as a disabled person (poem)
Realtime transcript of "Using Realtime Transcription" FIE 2014 talk
Summarizing all of JEE's guest editorials from Jan 2005 to Apr 2008
Processing with Esteban and Davin: first sketch prototype, quadrant brightness
How I use Zotero to take research reading notes
Being deaf is: not having add/drop week
Holding the Cup
I need a better word for "this kind" of writing that tries to hurl its words across a gap.
Small comic strips from my first time in a deaf-accessible hotel room
Near-peer advice from 1st-time engineering education researchers
Last summer's Zambia reflections
How to play Speakeasy Secret Santa
Being deaf is: polled I/O instead of interrupt-driven
Being deaf is: constant baseline soundmaking anxiety.
(New comic): Mastery (Dreyfus model of skill acquisition) on one page
Can you take over my sponsorship of a special-needs child in Zambia?
How To Use Your Design Studio Instructor: a short comic book
(New comic): Baxter-Magolda's Self-Authorship Theory On One Page
Dear world: if I work on accessibility for 5 years, can I have it for 50?
ok, I'll try learning how to run; this should be funny
not burning out during Bad Accessibility Week, and career advice from deaf academics
Being deaf is: holding a hidden, uncollapsed wave function on your side of a conversation at all times.
Research Is Fun: Using children's art supplies for my first-pass data analysis
Unlock challenge: raise $1024 for The Ada Initiative, support women in open tech/culture, and unlock more open-licensed "programming learning styles" material!
"Performing" programming, and other apprenticeship-related themes in early Hacker School Book data
Guest post by Gabrielle Ewall: proposal to use Bayesian statistics for understanding Hacker School learning styles
Being deaf is: straining to lipread restaurant order numbers
Marriage essay 1: what's marriage in today's culture, and what do you think a good marriage is?
Some things I want my kids to learn
Academics with academic mothers: a total side note on cultural capital
Journalistic vs scholarly writing: notes from a meeting with Alice Pawley
Thus saith the JON: using open-source Bible software to navigate my dissertation data
Alex and Lisa and dry feet
Mel's learning styles profile (spoiler: it's not a surprise)
Visualization examples, external cognition, and starting to play with text data
Welcome to my dissertation: a poststructural perspective on engineering and technology faculty as learners
Want to give Mel homework? Help me think of a visualization term project.
The hidden cost of deafness: organizing access behind the scenes, aka "why Mel hates logistics"
Using mid-semester feedback discussions as a catalyst for self-directed learning
Learning styles for programmers: active/reflective
My favorite passages from the ASL Bible: Little Kid Wanders Through Big Temple, Awkward Erotic Poetry, and CYMBALS
Unpacking a conference accessibility request email (deafness)
Hacker School book update: rescheduling storytelling interviews
Psimulink Psalm and Rhomeo & Julihat
Email example: articulating (deaf) access needs for academic conferences
Postmodernism in a 3-panel comic
What does "becoming a better programmer" mean? - Assessments Brainstorm Edition
You know, I used to.
Oh boy, worksprint exploding! With tea.
Wrestling with angels: poststructuralism and Catholicism
Braindump ramble starting from "contemplative scholarship"
Prelim sausage-making: narratives as methodology, part one
Prelim sausage-making: the cognitive apprenticeship section
Prelim sausage-making: Seb points out poststructuralism is all over my study design
Prelim sausage-making: Ileana gives me synonyms for "interview"
Stephen's question: how do you tutor fellow researchers in programming?
Test Driven Learning: setting learning goals for yourself, Software Engineering edition
Finally lost inside a concert: remembering "Blessed Unrest"
The Joyful Mysteries ought to be called the Terrifying Mysteries
Self-portrait in acrylic: behind the scenes
Some writing practice using moments with my family
Small Mel Self and the discovery of cold cream ("It's moisturizing!")
It's a good life for a Mel.
Psychology research on agency and willpower and Deus Caritas Est (are somehow connected in my brain)
Rewiring the "Run Awayyyy!" habit
Creaking forward into Prelim v.1 - thoughts on an imperfect process of scholarly writing
Chua's 3 criteria for Radically Transparent Research (things sound silly when I put my last name on them)
Trust in the slow work
Nelson Diversity Surveys: statistics on USA faculty diversity (spoiler: depressing)
What does a PhD preliminary proposal look like before it's done? Here you go.
Talking About Leaving: a book that blew me up in undergrad
Then, less-funny stuff: readings on sexual orientation in engineering education
First, funny stuff: Genderbread Person and APA sexuality definitions
on vulnerability, inasmuch as I can express it with words (or: "I wish I could dance this post as I speak it")
The chapel and the PhD committee chair: a short story of 2 awesome advising meetings
Call for ideas: help design a "Gender/Race/Class" class on "interrupting the discourse that perpetuates inequity"
Reading notes: "Masculinities" by Raewyn Connell
I like existing.
Freewriting on what-shall-I-do-this-summer
A book review in comic form: The alphabet vs the goddess
Reflections on the role I take at Hacker School
For Julia: on my relationship with writing
This American Life's episode on Testosterone: quotes that struck me
Notes on "Short Introductions: Gender" by Raewyn Connell - red and blue and paint mixing
Scattered notes on race in engineering education: stereotype threat, Asians as model minority, racism-without-racists, OLPC
EduPsych for Hacker Schoolers v.1.1 (presentation slides)
a quiet celebration (aka "not a brain-in-jar")
Reading notes: Whiteness of a different color: European immigrants and the alchemy of race.
White privilege in engineering education
Class, Race, & Gender in Engineering Edu: Race Reflections Week! ("Geez, why am I reflecting on my potential future kids so much?")
Reflections on freedom
Class theory in engineering education (notes 2 of 2, "AAH we're perpetuating it!" and "whoa intersections with deafness!" edition)
Class theory in engineering education: it's actually a thing! (notes 1 of 2)
Sketchnotes: "How To Be A High School Superstar" by Cal Newport
Living in the whisper
If a broke grad student can do it, you can too: donate to @adainitiative and patch the open world to be better for EVERYONE.
Reading notes: Culture & Power, Engineers & the "Working Middle Class"
Engineering Education Discourses on Representation: Why Problematization Matters (Beddoes, 2011)
#pyconca Sketchnotes: Linn Vizard on industrial design for programmers and Greg Ward on Go for Python hackers
EduPsych for Python Hackers 2.0: revised, expanded, updated
PyCon Toronto Saturday Sketchnotes: Max Thayer on NLTK and Lynn Root on PRISM
I watch foreign films on flights because they come pre-subtitled.
Hacker school: introducing yourself to unfamiliar open source projects
Hacker School Session: engineering learning styles
First day of Hacker School residency: thoughts from a corner
Back in East Hall at Olin for a little while
A mid-trip update from Zambia, wherein my classmates and professors blog for me
Headed to Zambia to meet myself, offline for a while.
Black print on thick white paper, serif font.
Spending my 27th birthday at home
Cleaning out notes from Cultural Theories class
In which Mel works on lowering (some of) her defenses around "proving" her "worth"
Some early drafts of dances in my brain
Things that remind me of the world I want to live in: airports and nerds and IVoW
trying to be brave enough again, again, again.
Dealing with a (mildly feverish) distractomel
Reactions to a(n incredible) Colbert Report fanfic with alternate-universe deaf Jon Stewart
Do fewer things with greater love.
HOWTO think poststructurally
Full talk transcript: "Psst: wanna eavesdrop on my research?"
Psst: wanna eavesdrop on my research? My engineering education seminar presentation.
Notes from "Getting Smart": All accounts are fragmentary/incomplete! I'm missing things! So what? I'm happy.
I need to reach across worlds to be all me, be all there.
A post-Easter explosion about silence, now that Lent and giving up -v is over
Thoughts on ABET accreditation criteria for Dr. Kelly
May we suggest: Columbus, Ohio
HFOSS Tech Talk at Georgia Gwinnett College, and an unexpected place-of-speaking-from
Video (subtitled!) and transcript for 2013 PyCon talk, "EduPsych Theory for Python Hackers"
The quick and dirty FAQs for starting a research blog: hesitation-fightin' version
EduPsych theory for Python Hackers: slides and an extended Q&A with further-readings
Allen Downey's "Bayesian Statistics Made Simple" workshop: a recap and review
PyCon signal processing workshop materials
Making the midwives of makers: a (3-page) poststructural view on engineering faculty development
A path is built of steps.
Xworks concert Fri/Sat: neon yellow duct tape, fishnet stockings (grr) and dancing in a library (yay)
Silence is not death, finding and leaving Mason jars of water, and the oddness of not wanting to travel the world
My past selves write me: little tired SuperMel, running-from-partitions Mel, subway-surfing nomad Mel. Hello there.
Be a whirlwind with awareness and the ability to stop, to make a breathing room and space for... Wait. Wait, that scares me.
How to conduct a basic hearing screening with a $1k machine that could be a $20 open-hardware Altoids-tin design
Giving up my --verbose flag for Lent
Friday morning notes: social constructs should be constructable by all.
Ash Wednesday and a roughness inside me typed in words; what I believe, how I pray, why the divine is part of my package.
For Audrey: these three things remain - faith, hope, and love. And they're all ridiculously hard.
Addressing liability issues when using live text transcription (CART) for qualitative research data collection
Help me spend $ on microphones, or: how does a deaf ethnographer record 8 people in a noisy room?
Distractomel: perfectionism is the opposite of good time management
Favorite bits of "Women's Ways of Knowing": midwife-teacher, constructivism summaries, being "in" at the start
Aliveness snapshots: 80's songs at 5:30am and double-socks and dorm memories and gorgeous cinematography and English muffins with my kindergarten teacher
For Audrey: "Yeah, if I had to stand attentively to Scripture being read for 6 hours, I'd weep... because my Ritalin would run out."
A last food hurrah before 5 weeks of training, Mary Anne's letters to her children, and Shut Up And Write success
My dissertation proposal as a 2-act play
Coaching notes from Sally: outlining is writing, the priority principle, Turning Things In Already (they don't need to be perfect)
I was going to write about other things, but here's the world as it has captured me lately...
Using live text transcription for qualitative research interviews: methods notes after a first experiment
When I look into the mirror, I see a dancer. Dreaming about my dissertation, in the studio with Kyler: when you are anxious, stop. What will last? What will you learn?
Up-Goer Five, Ethnography, and Obscure STEM Jargon versions of my dissertation proposal abstract
Assorted quotes from cultural theories class, wherein Mel gives up on reading the firehose and finds out why all universities are German and complains about BS
Hey, Oliners -- a nifty white paper on how other schools are developing "engineering leadership" talks about us.
Coaching notes from Sally: how to evaluate opportunities and deal with uncertainty through means other than overscheduling oneself
Making poststructural works navigable: notes on Cavallaro's signposting tricks
Signal processing teaching adventures and remembering my first "holy shit" teaching moment
Mass readings on Jesus's baptism for Audrey, thoughts on prayer ("hey God, OM NOM NOM!" is saying grace) and future-Mel notes
For Banter introducin', since I can't make the chat in person...
Kickstarter callout: Help my friend Andrew bring swing dance to the disabled
All righty. Time to get creative about cochlear implant financing - first step, evaluation visit. ("Kickstarter My Cochlear Implant?")
The first night of cultural theories class, and my brain is wonderfully discombobulated.
A first glimpse of my dissertation proposal: have I found an important problem to solve?
Equipment for qualitative research
The email I wrote to a cochlear implant surgeon asking how I can be evaluated as a hybrid candidate (that took 6 years to write)
For Audrey: readings for the Epiphany
I'm considering a hybrid cochlear implant, and I'm terrified, but I'm going to move forward.
The Science article on the "end of history illusion" and Movies About Old People
Welcome to The Annex; keep the channel open.
The rest of Oregon, and little bits of Seattle, and wandering Glenview with Randy
Biowaste dinner menu, and other assorted snippets from Oregon's reunion festivities
They're a beautiful mess, the roots I come from.
Trying to capture some early reunion memories before even more people arrive
little black dress, tripod-to-handstand, the perfect bucket-list cabin by Seattle, yay for wireless hearing aid mics, and how fast my family eats eggs
Seattle has blues dancing? Man, this summer is going to be SWEET.
leaving on a jet plane, marble maelstroms, flying to family
The music never stopped (again), I wish I could script accessibility services, and I wore a suit today
Goodbye, apartment. You've been a good apartment.
It may be that when we no longer know what to do / we have come to our real work
Keeping space as space
a shifting spring semester plan - yay, adventures!
staying the course
I live in the future: daisy-chaining wireless hearing aid devices for dance practice
Favorite Beatles songs, coffee shop founding stories, maybe that's why my hearing aid features are deactivated (also, Mel goes to coffeeshops to focus)
Wherein Mel embarks on a long lesson of learning to wait and stay somewhere instead of running off
when life gives you lemons, make shandy
New hearing aid features, eye makeup is annoying, and maybe I won't move to Columbus next term.
backstage in the green room
Brain-organizin' thoughts. Back squat 1-rep max, the stuff I'm moving to Columbus, other things as I eat something that is trying to pass as dinner.
Writing to breathe again: a scarf and a challenge and other untold stories
Mel self-assesses on her current academic writing skillz (and struggles) -- and it ain't all pretty.
My roundup of ADHD coping strategies that affect academic writing, plus the start of coaching
Dilemna: I'm a blogging scholarship contest finalist and don't know how to ask for votes (or if I want to).
Hearing aids: wireless technologies
Design, Cognition, & Learning: sketching and braaaaaaaaaaains.
Design, Cognition, & Learning: why rules hamper experts, and why design experts disagree wildly on design expertise (unlike flautists)
Oh, yeah: I passed my Readiness Assessment, and can talk about it with people now.
The first daughter: a midrash (from Indiana Voices of Women)
Reflections on reflections in design
RAT: so how do I think I did with my Readiness write-up?
O metabrain: choose the version of "Fever" I'll dance my first solo to
Morning meditations, trying to come to a centered and cleared mind
thoughts spurred by discovering the social model of disability
RAT: The Document
RAT: What does RTR on a non-open community look like?
RAT: What RTR looks like in real life
RAT: Mel, it's a PASS/FAIL exam. Seriously. (Also: RTR affordances.)
RAT: Part of me hopes that my entire thesis statement is wrong, because if it's right, it's stupidly audacious.
An interlude on physical status: I run fast after an allnighter
RAT: documenting conversations
RAT: Wherein Mel finally defines, describes, and backs up what the heck the praxis of radical transparency is, sort of.
RAT: who the heck else is doing RTR stuff?
RAT: project management mode
Win Open Access Graduate Student Award, then write, dance, sleep.
RAT: document now in computerized form, 8 pages and 55 tasks to go
RAT: I have a draft!
RAT: More things about qualitative research
Living Without Sound, response 4
RAT: feminist research methods
RAT: Paradigms
RAT: crap, I'm stalled. gotta unstall.
RAT: all right, research methods! what's the current state of things post-naptime?
Surprising reactions to Einhorn's article on composing with hearing loss
RAT: important task -- food, stretch, and naptime! (brought to you by Burnout Prevention Mel)
RAT: finally coming to the end of my readings on affordances
RAT: more affordances stuff -- Gibson the Second, in which I thumb my nose at positivism for the night
RAT: starting with Gibson, figuring out what the heck affordances are in the context of RTR
My first dance tech rehearsal: ZOMG THE COLORED LIGHTS THEY THEY THEY are awfully disorienting.
Design, Cognition, & Learning: an (exhausted) summary for Canek of the Turns et al paper on how porfolios support reflection
Sleeps now.
RAT: I found books on affordances! And the gameplan shifts again.
RAT: how and why RTR opens up boundaries and what the tradeoffs are, plus rediscovering my first exposure to Patti Lather's thinking (in 2007)
RAT: what's the relationship between RTR and ethnography?
RAT: starting with exploring methodologies
RAT: thoughts on the literature I might be looking at
Readiness Assessment: BEGIN!
Another long mind-clearing braindump. Unless you want to read about trippy dreams, you can ignore this.
Three perspectives on teaching design: behaviorist, cognitive, and situative lens
Frustrationpoint: "assistive services" add inertia to your life. Also, deafness makes me look more introverted than I am.
How would you teach signal processing to audiology graduate students? I'm doing it spring term, and here are my ideas.
Designing technology to support reflection
Living Without Sound, response 3
Living Without Sound, response 2
Living Without Sound, response 1
Living Without Sound: a self-conducted workshop
My first 24 hours with hip-hop: YES.
The scholarly paper as jazz fakebook: "With a Little Help From Your Students: A New Model for Faculty Development and Online Course Design"
Trying to come up with a response to "so, how do you become a successful deaf person?" (I mean, how do you answer that?)
Reflections on Readiness readiness
On time millionaireship
Music and feelings, discipline and Beethoven and rage -- what should I hear?
Learnable Programming: read it, then turn it around in your own brain.
Hearing aids: an introduction to DSP in hearing aids -- let's start with the part before it hits the processor
Design, Cognition, and Learning: responses to my comic, behaviorism isn't evil, and a terrible abuse of Maslow's Hierarchy
Morning meditation and braindump: impostor syndrome, reunion bonfire, deafness rage, and off we go.
Getting started with RHIPE (R + Hadoop): installing and testing
Hearing Aids: effortfulness, or why DNR (digital noise reduction) makes a difference (it's not why you'd think)
Would anyone be interested in having the core syllabi and annotated bibliographies of the readings of our Engineering Education PhD classes put online?
I think I've hit my stride.
50 years of educational psychology history in a 1-page comic (or: ADHD strikes again)
Regarding the nature of design problems
Undoing the head stabilization habit
So far, Radically Transparent Research has cost $291.98
I might go for a MS in Industrial engineering on the side (of my PhD). Or I might be getting Distracted by The Shiny. HELP!
My research proposal (draft) as a comic book page
A belated thanks to Hans Sittler
Design theorists as Zen masters - fingers pointing to the moon
thoughts after the dance partnering workshop
R basics: accessing elements of an object
The thing I appreciate the most about my morning gym and dance classes is that my body is a terrible liar.
Hearing aids: transducers that make you uncomfortable (aka "zomg it's too loud" -- plus how to fix it with scotch tape)
Class miniproject topic chosen: Design (process participation) as a "spoonful of sugar" for joining a community
Think about Universal Design for FOSS community experiences, not just products.
Design researchers are trying way too hard to be post-positivist.
On watching Melanie start exploring the parallel potential universes of her future college
Hearing aids: transducers and resonance (or: your ear is a didgeridoo)
Research statement draft, aka "my contribution to eating the elephant": radical transparency and discourse exposure during cross-disciplinary course design
Accessibility and I are still eyeing each other in a wary truce.
R: for programmers of other languages, and .First
Hearing aids: transducer tradeoffs
Hearing aids: intro to transducers (or: what's probably in your ear - electret mics and balanced armature transducers)
Decompression: peanut m&ms and the sadness of towels
Observations of design teams: what makes teams harder/easier to jump into mid-exercise?
R programming: attaching files and some general comments on the language of a Star Trek variety
Weekend recap and meta-gradschool thoughts
What gives good designers the assurance and courage to plunge into the chaos?
Actually, the (budding) athleticism of my body is kinda cool. Also, I made the dance company!
R Programming: Divide & Recombine, and RHIPE (Hadoop in R)
Hearing Aids II: placebo effect, digital vs analog, fidelity, and myth-debunking
Hearing Aids II: It feels so weird to listen to a timeline of hearing aid developments you lived through.
Design, Cognition, and Learning, class 1 and project breakdown
The adventures of a klutzy (yet bold!) Mel in dance company auditions
Notes from my first R programming class
How to help someone use a computer
Follow along with the zotero groups for my Fall 2012 classes
Regarding navigating the system of academia
zero-sum games and the six things that make me happy
I'm off, then.
and my writing sneakers hit the streets again
transitionfish and the gerbil of boldness
Empirically verified: classical music actually has high parts in it!
Meta Be Bold: a roadmap to the project
Meta Be Bold: the theme of publicly performed symbiosis, and the past and (potential) future of the project
Meta Be Bold: the theme of improvising multitasked physicality
Meta Be Bold: the theme of buddy boundary work
Meta Be Bold: A tiny, tiny coding scheme's first draft
Meta Be Bold - the first research journal
Sounds carry so much emotion in them.
When my brain tells me that I'm a language-learning failure, then... apparently I treat it like an engineering project.
Link roundup: lwt, giving academic talks, Indian culture and copyright, Straight White Male difficulty setting, and more.
Aural rehab discoveries
How my brain's been rewiring itself with hearing aids: music (sounds crap), language (sounds great!), water (sounds GORGEOUS), plus equipment geekery and unexpectedly emotional moments.
A gasping update from mid-Maymester (wonderfully busy), plus I get my hearing aids tomorrow
dialetical tension
Dear metabrain: what life-buffers do I need to set up before trying ADHD meds?
Applying pedagogical skillz to FOSS projects: Plover case study
Extended update: Strattera, pita bread, German/stats swapping, Zachery, and Nunsense
It is not change that causes anxiety; it is the feeling that we are without defenses in the presence of what we see as danger.
Well, I passed my classes.
Mel's first year in grad school, a retrospective
A cool idea that failed: you can't reverse-engineer a paper for open access
ADHD coping strategies so far, pre-intervention
You can achieve anything, but not everything + ADHD
Project Puppy is... not human subjects research? and: the true nature of Project Puppy begins to be revealed.
My first film festival: Tribeca (with reviews and spoilers)
Things I want to write about
UPGRADE MEL does not accept current limitations
Dear feminist intellectual ancestors: thank you.
in order to not forget, and to realign
EucaDay for Remotees: the complete guide to what happened
EucaDay: Community session, part 1
Self-critique of my DML Ignite: "Productively Lost" talk (video!)
on not knowing what the hell I'm doing despite appearances to the contrary
Does assistive technology make you more independent, or less?
From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side - a first peek
How to assign copyright to your interviewees
cognitive apprenticeship case studies in software engineering
2 more weeks until the end of term
In California, where the grass is greener
Craft of Electronics: team operating principles
we cannot make the best of what we are if our hearts are always divided
Comfort food
Announcing the Indy Python Workshop - please spread the word
The giant "Mel is a deaf engineering language geek" update
Office renovation proposal
Havoc Pennington on open projects: the student's annotated version
Fabulous yellow roman candles
Hearing aid options: down to six choices
Academic blogging workshop: learning goals
Bullshitting: a valuable life skill
Piloting a workshop on academic blogging; anyone interested?
On risk-taking
For UNICEF: howto do open research
youth is not a state to be preserved but a state to be transcended
tired lanky joyousness
why it's hard for me as an engineer to do qualitative research (2007 edition)
On discourse exposure
FOSS thinking vs academic thinking
Light at the end of the tunnel: 5 academic deliverables left for the semester. Only 5.
MSDS fun: materials in a grad school office are more interesting than previously thought
Tracking fellow FOSS-to-academia migrants
Project Puppy: first public transcript, and how I'm thinking of explaining this process to IRB
Sparklab: default to open, the beginnings
Productively Lost: DML Ignite
Thought experiment: design an open source new-hire process.
Hearing aids: available techniques report
Behaviorism and social learning: lesson recap
The TOS symposium is coming up at SIGCSE
An update on common Euca talk questions, and a hello to Worcester State University!
My younger self writes my future lit review
Response: How do you deal with educational videos?
Dear metabrain: help me cram-study engineering for my hearing aid consultation
Jason Priem talks about altmetrics, total impact, and decoupled journals
Getting the radical realtime transparency ball rolling
Eucalyptus: a 2nd community business card design... whoa, that was fast.
The joy of befuddlement, and other random things
Eucalyptus: a first community business card design
Continued journeys in the assistive services world
Fielding common questions at your Eucalyptus talk
Project Puppy: getting data clearance
Project Puppy: Robin on transparency and where our group is headed
Continuing adventures in open access - learning from Debbie
Superb Owl
Does your FOSS project pass the Stanford Marshmallow Test?
Lifehacking so far this semester
And the braindumping's done.
An engineer in the art department: disjointed moments
Talking institutional repositories with Mike Witt over cheesecake at Earhart
How to do food challenges: diet experiments with (some) rigor!
Project Puppy: radically transparent engineering education research begins
For equilibrium: publicity and Hobbes & Bacon
Nature vs Nurture comic
Oven-baked fried chicken of AWESOME
New Grad Student and the Cake of Academic Freedom
I think a lot of the things and behaviours that make an open source community work are also applicable to dating
Digital housekeeping
CATME and the SCOPE-o-Matic Allocator
I do not know what to call this.
15 minute GEECS webinar abstracts
Pondermel: test-driven matlab for teaching, high school software engineering, faculty workshops
Design my research group's collaboration infrastructure
The reminder
How institutional repositories work nowadays
Open access makes sense for teachers who care about teaching
Why is there a bird and a PBJ sandwich in our picture of engineering thinking?
Resources for open access advocates
Becoming a cyborg
Online writing, casinos, and finally installing Plover
Adventures in learning German: Why I love grammar but not finding word boundaries
Why OA makes a bigger difference to little teaching schools, debunking the 3 major theories of open access impact, and arXive
The open access impact lasts for 17 years
Cloud computing is like a laundromat or a big office printer
Excluding books from minimalism, the discomfort of building roots, and learning how to not run away
Regarding IRBs and research on open communities
Readable Research
Regarding Olin's ABET re-accreditation
I can haz academic self-efficacy!
Speaking a language I can't hear: useful tools and strategies so far
1st draft of lit review on the open source way and education: please rip to shreds.
Weirdly enough, this may be the lightest semester I've had since middle school.
Decrypt the lights
Remind me why we're getting ice cream in December again?
Phase changes
How to introduce new media art students to CS: markov bananaphone
Buenos dias. Kumusta ka? Sehr gut, danke.
How my upcoming talk at Kenyon made me learn beamer and git
Habits for sanity maintenance
Reindeer sausage
Meine Erste Deutsch Blogpost
What papers look like to a new grad student
So I guess I should ask for CART next semester.
Recommendations for opening up academic projects
Meet my (fictional) grand-niece Alex, a future engineering student.
Stanislav Ochotnicky: I am a software chef
How do I learn about my writing?
Engineering doesn't have a drop-out problem
My first experience with CART
What is Education?
Birthday happy to my father
Flyers for high school students
Academic identity
The Mann Report
Link roundup
Caught in the fall
the exact technologies that are in use at any particular point in time don’t matter as much as the fact that it is people being connected through them
Engineering education learning styles
Composing a life
Python for kids, research proposal churning, SIGCSE workshop accepted
A critique of Koen
Time to plant trees
memory palaces, meanderings
Hey, Informal Learning class -- welcome to open source!
The Condo Crew
What is Engineering?
Cognitive dissonance: welcome to academia
Habit acquisition: flossing
Freedom from structure: a dialogue
Hacking on copyright addendums
The unexamined life
An attempt to sort out loneliness
Cape Town Open Education Declaration
Triple-booting Linux: Bahasa geek translation
Girl or boy?
How to build momentum in an academic hackerspace
Cheese vs Ekiga for Software Engineering class: responses to student notes
Talk Slides: Level-up with Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Level-up with LIES: OLF talk sneak preview
A strange familiarity
Pendulum-swing: engineering education used to be hands-on... 100 years ago.
Alternative art project ideas
Lightsaber hilt design brainstorming
Grad school, semester 1: Mel's plate
Halp: harness reading speed for awesome
Tiny bioplastic robots
Notes inspired by "Understanding by Design"
Are we a profession?
First week of grad school in two words: learning again.
Is there a lazyweb fix for the paradox of localization?
Codecademy: intro js programming with no context-switching
In which Mel is saddened and bewildered by academic copyright assignments
Stealing techniques from the TA workshop
Academic culture shock: Grad student TA training
Computer recommendations for a high-schooler
A weekend's work: reunion and the Lunch N' Lost brigade
A graduation promise: Lightsaber
An aside on various means of (shallow and externally quantifiable) self-knowledge
Help Mel sneak out of her statistics class
Yes, I know I'm supposed to be studying engineering education
It is essential that the people who shape that technology represent that world.
drwright: GNOME-native typing breaks in GNOME 3
Dear Lazyweb: single-line way to ssh and run a command?
Fitting yourself a sit-to-stand desk
Yup, I'm still alive.
Mmm, translations.
Making open curricular materials is hard.
EduComm, Day 1: Open Source Textbooks and Collaboration Workflows
Behind the scenes: a community workshop for Red Hatters
How I thought about grad school
Reading roundup
The forming of a generation
What about people in CS?
Projects go. People stay.
Getting my groove back
Andragogy vs Pedagogy
Talk proposal: Level-up with Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
An R tutorial that comes with a sample study on GNU/Linux participation... or is it the other way around?
Connecting phrases: need some ASL translation help
Precision of language regarding structural cylinders
I can only manipulate the fire. I can't create it.
I can sign! Badly! But I can!
The Source of Enhanced Cognitive Control in Bilinguals: Evidence From Bimodal Bilinguals
Fritznotes: double and triple integrals
Teaching is translating.
Bug report: I'm boring and moping about it.
Learning kana by butchering the English language
Language learning for deaf autodidacts: Praat
CCSCNE notes
Mel's hunt for a citation management system
I'm going skydiving!
Scrapbook of Mel's brain on Sunday night
A desperate attempt to keep up
Emotional awareness
Computational thinking in daiily life
Vote Beefy - seriously.
Now with documentation. For great justice.
When does it make sense to package software?
Language-learning for deaf autodidacts: Tell Me More (tool review)
What Mel does during a normal day at work...
Quick thoughts before I sleep
Curious artifacts: a POSSCON talk
Assorted notes from SIGCSE 2011
The wandering hacker's guide to $project
Please take the Ada Initiative's 5-minute census
Meaningful family travel
Tools for RSI self-care
Rolfing sessions 1 and 2
A different sort of admissions: redesigning the POSSE app
Red Hat Brand guru John Adams analyzes the POSSE brand
Teaching Open Source link roundup
My first chicken
What would you want to find out from 1,200 CS professors?
Making POSSE Print materials, or: Mel becomes a LaTeX ninja
On sleep
Emotional intelligence on the intarwebz
Waxing rhapsodic about noms once more
Huh. Font licensing.
TOS whiteboard markers coming to a SIGCSE near you
Most fun I've ever had submitting a talk proposal
Open source as an alternative "study abroad" experience?
Conservation of Willpower
Upcoming talks and balances
FUDCon Tempe Hackfest: Wallpaper
I've followed your instructions and I still can't bake croissants
FUDCon Tempe Hackfest: Test cases
FUDCon Tempe Hackfest: Etherpad
FUDCon Tempe Hackfest: Fedora Insight
A whirlwind of FUDCon sessions
I'm liveblogging FUDCon Tempe hackfests
Reading speed cross-training
Ninjahood and Italian cooking
Recent resonations
The Eiffel Tower has blinky photons!
Doha: the non-POSSE writeup
POSSE Doha, day 0: are we teaching the right things? You tell us?
$dayjob 2011 resolutions: Mel Chua edition
moments of hope
Gingerly breaking in the new year
Southeast Asian transit: an exercise in being productively lost
Olin Challenge Fail: David ('09) in Bangkok
Being in a position to appreciate touch
Generalists ship.
Join Nicholas: chronicle the start of your own FOSS adventures
Minimal packers of the world, unite!
On freedom and companionship
Fellow geek feminists: help a sister out?
Another thing that helps me become myself again...
Things that help me be myself
Initial gasps of oxygen
Pre-sleep thoughts
Whatever you are overflowing with will spill out when you are bumped.
In Manila
Straining to listen
Academic shiny
Brain-clearing on equilibrium
Content vs context, mmap vs brk
Engineering education + open source communities = great justice
What did we do at FIE?
Have I really not blogged for a month?
Braindump, decompressing from Cape Town
#possesa Fri: 5 minutes of improvisation
POSSE South Africa, day 1
Open Source Policy Map: suggestions for getting started (student project)
Dear Lazyweb: headset recommendations?
Student project: where in the world is open source policy?
and a glass of cold water, slowly sipped.
Cooking and adulthood
How to apply the open source way to the development of a teacher training bootcamp
Contributor? Ambassador? Mentor? Who are you? (translated from the Spanish)
Get-sugar instructions - newcomers needed for usability testing
Practicing what you teach - first followup on Fedora Classroom on distributed collaboration tools
Linux Security Myths: OLF talk by Mackenzie Morgan (maco)
Student project opportunity: MeeGo-based Fedora Spin (Marketing and Design help needed)
Teaching Open Source: a mental model of the TOS community
Research Day
Dear Metabrain: choosing an academic name
Fedora Classroom, Tuesday Sep 14 at 1600 UTC - Working with people who aren't there: basic distributed collaboration tools
Henry Sy's tuna fish
Happy discoveries of the day
Rambling and trying to get a backtrace on my brain
shiny offices are shiny.
The open source way == "how to be forkable and not get forked"
Etherpad FAD infrastructure questions
Heads-up: call for Sugar 0.90 testers will be coming soon
I'm pretty bad at being tired.
a splendid torch
Geek moment of the day: Entropy Key documentation
Fedora China: Operation Raptor-Proofing
Mel in Transit: Now in China
Help me figure out my time in China!
packing up Boston
I'm bad at resting.
Quad bikes
Braindumping on projects (which should eventually get prioritized)
Things I would like to do someday
decompression day
Putting in a dollar
Sushi on a train
CommArch: Now in Portland
CommArch in da house
Wanted: a Fedora tech guru for POSSE South Africa
Chuck Hamberg
World Cup weekend
What FOSS communities can look like from the outside
SLOBs update, 2010-07-11
I would not mind universal speech-to-text translation.
One way to hear birds
In California!
The last few days have been good.
irssi + screen quickstart
nb: FOSS textbook commenting tool
Mmm, warm evenings in Harvard Square.
to-do braindump, Sunday morning
Shell script ninja help needed: weekly test image downloading
SLOBs discussion: what are the biggest issues in SL right now?
Dear sleep cycle:
Language learning, yoga, and thumbdrives
FOSSCon POSSE panel notes
What's the best FOSS chemistry software you know of?
The sort of leadership I admire
Partial adventure in learning about message threading
more braindump: e. e. cummings
Braindump on well-worn-ness
recent non-POSSE moments
Bugzilla notes from POSSE, and writing/journalism profs
Lessons from Sascha to pass on to Bao
Tiny adventure: flat tire (yay!)
Social life, hacker style
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee teaching!
POSSE Worcester: Wednesday
POSSE professors in Sugar-land for the next 2 weeks
POSSE Worcester: Day 1 (mini version)
there goes my ADHD brain again.
POSSE Worcester State: Day 0
LE NOMS: Manhattan Edition
Summer running
The history of the SoaS Mirabelle release: learning from the past
F13 marketing deliverables: I think we're done - please prove me wrong.
Now all I need is a carafe of liquid nitrogen
Couldn't find a better way to say it, so:
Fedora Scholarship winner 2010: Ian Weller
On being tired
Options for future dance/travel schedule, attempt 1
3:56am and dancing
Most of my day today
One-year CommArch anniversary
Maker house, revisited
Fedora Marketing leadership transition: w00t for Robyn!
It's been a full day.
Random acts of hot dogs
My summer guitar project
Paul Frields on
Relearning how to deal with too many possible things to do
Sugar on a Stick contributors portal page revision: thoughts?
Filipino ingredients acquired, pier walk 1 of N taken.
wedding diagrams + dance tonight
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
the day in five bullet points
See you around.
Actually, I'm quite happy about this
Alumni reunion night
My current packing list
spevack: +1
Operation: $projectname! May status check-in
And then tomorrow I fly back to Boston.
Recap: generic due to tiredness
Camera avoidance FTW!
Camping 101 recap
I'm liking the guitar.
On being J, camping, and Andrew
My Olin 2010 alumni slide
Thanks for last-minute Spin banner heroism!
Beautiful documentation, or: anybody got a Mac?
dev-love: Sugar developers, what would make your life easier?
Operation: $projectname! May status check-in
SoaS test cases: we can haz them.
What's happening with the Allegheny class in Marketing?
sleep schedule can haz?
In response to Andrew's question
Got stuff done! Sleeping soon!
It's that last 1.25% that bugs me.
2:18am for lack of a better title
Braindump in order to keep things moving so that I can get stuff done and sleep soon
Wild dreams of success
FAWN and the raptor/bus test
Oxygen is awesome!
Hm, I wonder what an 8-hour workday looks like.
financial independence steady-state: I want it.
Being A Grownup: the taxes edition
Coming in for a landing
One of today's projects
network of guitar-learning materials
Another blast from the past
How do you grade open source work?
Fedora hat fleißige Helfer!
Easter weekend
While waiting for the map to load
Dancing and learning during the summer
Cliff edges over 57 years
Planet posts for Allegheny students
Achievements unlocked!
A letter to my younger self
A slight recalibration
Gearing up for class
Sometimes I am my future self.
Slowly dawning realization
Braindump du jour
Ada Lovelace Day
Music withdrawal
Sunday morning
Mmmm, milk.
"There's a SOP for that."
On the other hand, it's nice to actually be productive now.
A Small Act / Waiting for Superman
extended meditations on hyperfocus
Where should we put the little projects?
Teachers: they know how to make dashboards.
Le Noms
Who's yo daddy? (Marketing FAD, night 3: the social version)
Marketing FAD recaps: Red Hat Summit and Social Media plans
Marketing FAD, day 2: Brand folks visit, actionability brainstorm
Marketing F12 postmortem
Simplest possible setup
Marketing FAD Day 1: remotees of the world, unite!
Day 0: the Marketing FAD gears up
Back in gear
Linktime and motorcycles
Staying with the Teschs + reading screenplays
Aaaand... they're off and blogging!
Pittsburgh when the sun goes down
Wrapping up the weekend
Fixing the Record Activity / re-firing up QA
CW Day 2 decompression
CW day 1 (not particularly coherent)
Summer of Code swimchart: Now With More Generic!
Decompression braindump
stdout from an overclocking
Meeting the students
We've got a release slogan.
view source, knife fighting, and canaries
Sparring partners
FAS scraper
A lonely impulse of delight / drove to this tumult in the clouds
Self-introduction Mad Libs: because it's SCIENCE!
BBQ, or: Why I Missed The Ballad of Buddy Guy
The ballad of Gui, Jenn, and Buddy Guy
CFS SoaS update: "All he knows is that he's got to be excited about Sugar on a Stick."
Geile Zeit translation
My grandmother's shoes
Bad Ideas: the instant ramen diet
TOS in law school: posts by Luis Villa
F13 talking points have been chosen
Dangerous things I'd like to do at some point in my life
Tai Chi walking
"I can tell you how to work, how to work from Sesame Street."
Know what you don't know.
Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software
Does the stick matter?
Questions about the datastore location
Random snippets
How To Do Stuff
Music morning
Grand Challenge Scholars Program draft... done.
Because this blog isn't on Planet yet...
Olin: Flash Mob of Awesome
more brainspew
finance: the love of duty vs the duties of love
Let's sweep the Grand Challenge Stories with stories from open source.
Netbooks have arrived!
Chugging caffeine
"It's like the wii!"
Discipline! Can haz?
Guitar queue
Weekend jam: my song choice
Desktop Switchoff: suggestions?
Physical scan time!
Black sneakers
SoaS deployment hardware: the ideal set
Lynne May's SoaS deployment
Small One
Reminder: 2 weeks left to apply for the Fedora Scholarship!
Expense reports SOP
Blackbird: now with less suck
Thinking about my 2010 Sugar Labs goals
Lowering the barrier to entry only for some
Small research questions within open source == good student projects?
Upcoming weddings
Piano experiments: "The nearness of you" (take 1)
moments that snatch your heart and hold it up to the light
TOS track (Education) submitted for OSCON. (Time to collapse now.)
Events FAD: snowed in
Braindumping, to clear out the remainder of the day.
Events FAD: Day 0
Events FAD: Day -1
Early guitar releases
Musings on mortality
Road Trip To RDU: Complete!
Boilermaker! Jazz! Band!
SLOBs update: recruiting a financial officer, spending $300 to save $3000, and help us with trademark case studies
Musculoskeletal system: now with less suck
Sampling of activity
Want SLOBs to get through the Trademark discussion next week? Help us.
Big Mel when Big Mel was little
The world is patchable.
A note on introductions, please.
Coffee adventures
Lots of cooking
Enjoy the gourmet food up there
See, I do have a life outside the computer.
But I am, anyway.
It's a good thing.
Nomadic alternatives to a treadmill desk
Behind the scenes: FUDCon Survey
Movies movies movies!
Archive spelunkin'
Fedora Insight workflow draft
If today was any indication...
On learning how to step up
Peer effects
Ceci n'est pas une excuse
2010 Not-To-Do
Stones Into Schools
Luxuries I take for granted
Do your work as well as you can, and be kind.
Halfway through vacation!
In case someone's looking for a content/curriculum project...
Good and tired again.
They come through you but not from you
IMSA night
The Hobby Barrier and a revision of my teaching philosophy
On becoming a language geek (or: Strauße stecken bei Gefahr den Kopf in den Sand)
What's Marketing doing for F13, anyway?: A Show with Dancing Penguins
After re-reading that long "why I'm afraid of grad school" braindump...
Ding ding ding ding!
What happened to sugar-love?
Why I'm afraid to go to grad school
Old video watching braindump mode.
Can haz desk!
Going to college next year? Time to apply for the Fedora Scholarship!
Digging out a path of least resistance
Oliners who have inspired me recently
I've been doing a lot of cliffjumping recently.
Hofstede cultural dimensions, used entirely not-as-intended
What I learned by cooking collard greens
Latest lifesnippets
How I read books
Open source marketing as storytelling
College majors for cousins on my mother's side
FUDCon Toronto: It's survey time!
6 pots of tea later...
Recent happy moments
Studying engineering inhibits your ability to suspend disbelief
Teach us how to fish(.src.rpm)
Please Steal This SOP
A lunchtime pause
Help Melanie close Audrey's first ticket
Abt Vogler
Mostly unpacked
Melmobile: the update
FUDCon Tuesday: the bus, the aftermath
Zikula hackfest
FUDCon zikula hackfest: the gameplan
FUDBus: The Arrival
Blast from the past
Found: picture of License Server (band)
On toddlers and racing penguins
Musing about phone features once again
Road trip!
This is what I look like in rant mode
Ideas for monthly sprints
FUDBus riders / Boston folks with couches, read this.
So if you see me online in the next 8 hours, yell at me
Dashmirror v.3.0 released
Marketing: The Fedora Wikipedia page
Whoa, I did something well and didn't flip.
This year's Thanksgiving feast
world-bridging FAIL
Typing in 中文
Pink gloves
Morning and evening reading
Reply to Cory
The "stay awake until it's bedtime" jetlag-fightin' post
Fedora Marketing: what's happening with F12 in the press?
Braindump from Tokyo
I relicensed.
Potentially offline 'till Thursday
IRC logs from the 2nd POSSE
The ability to choose your string quartet
How to become a release notes editor
New vocabulary!
New Bloggers: adopt-a-lecturer!
Scripts that amuse me, and then some other stuff
another kind of home
recipes for magic that ain't magic
The Invisible Traceback
The perfectionism-fighting thread
Planets. They are awesome.
Get to know a Fedora Ambassador or User
POSSE APAC Day 0: What's up, and how can we deploy multilingual awesome?
Arrived in Singapore
Off to Singapore
And the sun will be coming up soon.
Cousins: the tag team
Mel : clothing :: technology : most people
November lifehack: punctuality.
Hailing taxis
Museum Day
Let's just get the rest of that thinking out, shall we?
RIT Math4 projects: how can we engage classes more?
Soccer field brain rewiring
Bass: acquired!
Teaching Open Source Summit: The Resulting Documentation
I am proud to report...
First time I heard a wolf whistle
Towers with round things at the top that spin around
Snippets from the last few days
FUDCon ad: fixed! (Wow, that was fast.)
This is what happens when I wake up at 5am to Inkscape something.
How I paid my phone bill
Talking is teaching! That's all it is!
Community Architecture: the first retreat: the recap: the subject line: colons!
Request your FUDCon funding now: cutoff Thursday 19:30 UTC
A train of thought I haven't looked at for a while
SLOBs: coming up with a decision-making process
Budgeting time
Week in review + "Fedora" in ASL
Can't sleep, so I'm going to write about dreams.
Why is Boston cold? Why do I live there? Oh right. Geekiness!
Email shoveling, interrupted
My only goal tomorrow
Off-day: SUCCESS!
How to spend 4.25 hours blasting classical music on the radio
Things I've learned today
todo braindump for tomorrow morning
tiredness FAIL
The past has worth.
Traveling and alarm clocks
I wish there was an instantaneous laundry-washing machine.
red velvet cake does not make sense
Pulling a talk together: a process snapshot
Mm, lemonade.
Look, incoherence!
Marketing archive-reading fun
Nomad-hood vs settling-down
Other things that happened today
Touchdown Jesus
Must... improve... anaerobic... capacity!
K12 Open Minds: Open Source? What is this thing and why would I want to use it? (Randy Orwin)
Been a long day
A note on old posts about Olin
Why Mel is running for SLOBs
Can't sleep. Mental flywheel turning.
Blogs: a mental time machine.
Purdue! Excited! Too excited! The sentences, they do not come out rightly!
Open College Textbook Act: Email your senators!
How can we make it easier for people to send patches?
One way of explaining CS to high school kids
Rediscovery: I'm bad at noticing time passing.
Marketing: on the making of sharp axes
Why did you register for the GMAT?
Help me design a scholarship (or two).
Hi. My name is Mel, and I'm female... and feminist.
Ah, the metabolism of youth.
Workflow hack weekend
Evolution of the Charlieplexing Wikipedia page
Mentoring in open source communities
Because I am too tired to write a proper post tonight...
Sugar on a Stick discussion highlights
How could I learn any other way?
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tesch!
Thought-ordering on Thursday night
First adventures with my x200
Things you can take for granted if you hear
Marketing: Write an "I use Fedora" story!
I'm going to be a runner.
Back to irssi
random thoughts and patience
An example of learning in Fedora
Ingraining user-centered values
Marketing: HOWTO write a press release
Keyboard thunder
On luggage
Welly Testers strike again
Assorted notes from a first week in DC
I can haz job!
What's white and commutes?
Fedora: The Magazine. Can/should it come soon to a news stand near you?
Semantic MediaWiki test case system is alpha-ish, needs owner
can haz offer letter!
Back from Raleigh.
Downhill bike
What TOS stuff is happening at your school?
Things That Exist
Light a flamethrower
Completely unrelated topics
Space! Space! Space!
How the zikula-based test instance of FI was put up, part 1
Fedora Insight is going up as a zikula guinea pig for F12 after all.
Joining Infrastructure
Oh fine, I'll shell out to get myself some stable infrastructure.
Retrospective decompression
Resting up for the marathon
A weekend in New York
Growing into instead of growing out of
Passing on sea fever
Downstream: Sugar Labs reporting Fedora tickets
Assorted notes from today
Schedule freeze and project management
Marketing: F12 schedule
Still in Raleigh
How to lasercut a logo
My laptop is all shiny-fresh on the inside now.
Trying out an idea.
Raleigh Farmers' Market
Automating new-computer configuration: sanity check
Time for another adventure!
Will you marry tea?
POSSE erasers
POSSE Thursday: Education Remix
Some education-related links
The kind of school I'd like to teach at
Law: the original open source profession
POSSE Tuesday: working together
Speakers: obtained.
POSSE Wednesday: our classroom setup
POSSE Tuesday: contributor types and making safe spaces
Yet another conversation on the future of input methods
POSSE Monday: this history of OSS
POSSE Monday: Helping students find projects that make them come alive
POSSE Monday: How Seneca got involved
How I learned to talk with people
1:46am, and I couldn't be happier.
POSSE, day 0
What's it like in SFO?
Riding with Addi and Emma
Short links
Things I'm learning from business travel
Picture dump
Imagine teleporters.
Filming lectures before becoming a professor
At least the pantry is clean.
been measured
The POSSE logo: progression
saag paneer
saag paneer
Deep gladness meets deep need
Graduate schools
almost crashin'
NECC[2] = Tuesday
U of Kansas joins the "open by default" scholarly publications club
Reminder to self
Please thank your schools today.
NECC Monday continued
Morning rest
Last question of the night
NECC[1] = Monday
NECC[0] = Sunday
NECC[-1] = Saturday
Twittering #necc09
Mike Lee's fortune cookie the day before setting up the Sugar Labs NECC booth
On the road: Washington DC
Lists of lists
Tighten before you grow
back in gear
Remedial early childhood motor skills development
My general plan for July
On booking travel
below the elbow
little sister
How to find a Gill
Piano practicing on the road
n00bthoughts: producing my first .rpm
I'm going to NECC!
Did not kick quite so much ass this week. Oh well.
Overly cerebral
I found something to do with my EFF tape
Groovin' backbeat
Why today was awesome
Mantra of the week
Freaking insane Charlie Parker trumpet runs
Sure enough: better POSSE logo ideas
Recent meals
Linky time
Update on POSSE
And I learned about alternative music notation too. Yay for Elsa!
Fedora wiki shortcuts (for FIrefox)
Snapshot of my day
Fedora website: graphical notes
Someday, my travel standards may rise.
Release earlier and more often
Upcoming Fedora education spin... with a twist.
Radical transparency: guys, it doesn't work retroactively.
Responses to objections on transparency
(partial) win!
Looking for things to do?
Communications of the ACM: OLPC analysis
Scripting my piano routine
Coping strategy
"...rock would be a good description."
Happy panic attack
haz kitteh on mah lapz
Boot animations
The sink
The POSSE advances forth...
Routine needs some adjusting
Did I mention that I'm really really excited about community stuff?
Last night in East Boston
Stupid Idea: The Gap Year Savings Plan.
A foodie in the making
Signs you may have found your calling
Mel Is (more) Excited (than usual)
"Mama, how old are you?"
Breathing in
3 things for tonight
What it sounds like to hear like Mel
Impending trip to dry-cleaners
The living room light won't stop flickering.
Shiny Red Box!
Scales and arpeggios
Recurring emails
We're Filipino!
Why I am a credentialist, which contradicts myself
Online personal finance software: the face-off
Loving a school 2 decades down the road
It's a good way to start your 23rd year.
Computer keyboarding with auditory awareness
Tallstanding photos: as far as I can go alone
Tiny things I can outsource, part 1 of n
My summer learning project: Documenting Things On The Intarwebs
The Long Haul Club
Tatum technique
Bach. Is kind of nuts.
Net Worth Experiment: May 2009
The Net Worth experiment
Books: turning stocks into flows
Tools for hands
Getting past the first time
Time for today
Back from Rochester
Flash forward: in 20 years
aslo .xo updater proposal
(come) holy spirit
Scattered thoughts
Cousins on my mom's side
Audiogram: more explanations
With the advent of less computerage...
Relationship with computers: update
Spring cleaning
9s and flat 9s week
bandersnatch came home prematurely
Community Leadership Summit: Begin The Saving-Up!
I'm going to learn how to be rich.
But tomorrow I should finish installing voice rec software
In addition to hanging out with Henry today...
Other recent occurences
Incremental steps: filing my own taxes for the first time
First deconstruction of wrist pain
Flashback time
Open Source + Textbooks + Education
Looking for a recipe
It's starting to run in the family.
Experiment: new email autoresponder
The secret sauce is customers.
First long update since the RSI started
The Boston deployments need some help.
RSI does not want.
The phobia lasted 17 years.
Boston deployments updates
This post typed with dasher.
I can handle bad things happening to good people.
You teach... should I? Where?
Help me not get RSI: ideas?
anti-rsi break
Ready for apprenticeship
Today I learned to count.
Of course we work on open-source projects in the dining hall.
Mother of all funk chords
Sugar Labs's GSoC org app: Now with pilots!
The bootstrap hypothesis
The most frustrating part is that you don't know if you're imagining things.
Pizza day
Yesterday was a music day.
Post du jour (of yesterday)
post del giorno
How to design impossible things
Working on the Boston pilots
Deployment tech teams need ticket trackers too
Music bewilderment: a dissection
My work affects me, but it isn't me.
Process vs bureaucracy
Art makes me notice things
Cooking experiments: week 1 results
Why do we assess the way we do?
Concerts, Lent, negotiation, and kicking ass for startups
Knife skills were practiced yesterday
Nomadic working
The Great Guitar Hunt
Sugar: Now with smoke tests!
Revised: tomorrow's big rocks
Making a new OS install feel like home
Shortcuts: becoming a SL information-finding ninja
Cooking: The curriculum
Still being friends with projects
I am "Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups."
When the student is ready (short version)
When the student is ready (long version)
Color schemes
Things to say when I let someone down
Things to do tomorrow
Classical music improvisations
I don't actually get excited by children, it turns out.
John Tierney's blog creation walkthrough
The chandelier
Out of commission for a few days
Sudden Onset Sickness
I like work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
Dvorak timez
The Bill of Rights, as revised by law school netizens in 10 minutes
raise TooMuchMetaError(msg)
Debates and publicity
Pick a thing and do a thing: late-night chronologue
Would anyone Like Stuff?
Backlog: Sydney
SHFT, the key of GD
Wherein we discover that furniture has moved in the middle of the night
Migraine time!
Time budgeting! Now with béchamel.
Catnip distributor
My first recording
decentralized != local
QA meeting of extreme length
Go to bed, Mel.
And as for the rest of today...
Remora: User-facing Activites hosting
Diagram transcription: OLPC community discussions (drafts)
That must be the daystar. I've heard talk about it.
Dogfooding learning
Plateau abruptly terminated
Resolutions to contradictions (for now, at least)
Infinite Optimism Drive!
My bags are (nearly) packed, I'm ready to go...
Jazz and marathons
Shell voicings and nomadic instruments
Sugar sessions from FUDCon, transcribed
Wonderful Week of Free Time
Really, folks - it's a beginning.
Only inadvertently a minor kind of ending.
Designing by instinct
The things I want to start the day with
Action item: sleep at night.
Sociology class notes
Plugging along
Learning how to become something
Why math is beautiful to me
Notebook pen loops
Kinetic typography and typewriter art
Inbox cleaning: 0
Textbook writing: behind the scenes
The introduction to the textbook I've been writing
How to be an academic 101 - the booklist
Designing technologies for different cultures
April 1, 2007: Goals
Inbox cleaning: 82/I've stopped counting
Inbox cleaning: 199/763 (The Procrastination!)
Dreams of Someone Else's orchestra
What I wrote
The voice of reason is more difficult than expected to ignore.
Passing the Hamming test
"No, not knowing is better. At least there's still hope."
Being normal
It's hard to be aware of things.
More from TWITMWU
Sci-fi story fragments
Long day.
Wiki vandalism: the firefight
Hey, look! Incoherence!
Writing about beautiful things instead
Our books are full of answers to questions no kid ever asks.
On needing permission to be tired
Inbox cleaning: 127/763 (a.k.a. an attempt to distract people from my last post)
Sugarcamp: 5-minute talk on community
Some nifty marketing
Making rules about legos, making assumptions about people.
Ben Fisher on HyperCard
A jacket that blends into Harvard square
Inbox cleaning: 139/763
Here's what I'm trying to do. (The current draft.)
Things I have chosen
What versions of Activities are shipped with G1G1?
Should I try to travel?
Mel n' Collie
Because it looks easy until you do it
Inbox cleaning: 148/763
Just finished prepping for the next community test meeting
An empty house and things that I should do
Mental constructs
Inbox cleaning: 175/763
Mel's G1G1 User Saga, Part 1: Does Not Have Workingness
The policy clock and the pedagogical clock are not synchronized.
Pausing for breath
Inbox cleaning: 192/763
Inbox cleaning: 477/763
Inbox cleaning: 644/763
Inbox cleaning: 652/763
Going for inbox zero
The problem of articulating problems
Brain is quiet
Shameless plugs and languages
Week in review
Image roundup!
Tue ace key seems to be broken.
I'm going on vacation.
Instead of brainstorming
Right now I'm thankful for a glass of water.
Clearing my brain so I can sleep
Winners play Calvinball
Day 2 of 6
We need a better XO transport cart.
What's this... "pry-orry-tea-station" thing?
it's actually all right right now
Sugarcamp starts tomorrow
Maintenance time
Fractals on whiteboards = how to love
The people at 1cc
Braindump, #N (I've lost count)
(another) brush with... 'fame'
Recruiting: OLPC Social Media Warriors
Things that I learned at work today
I remember now why I'm still here.
Oh. About that experiment in productivity:
Tonight I am filled with admiration
Emptying out
Lifeboat ethics
No manual entry for relaxation
Braindump du jour
Blog posts from friends
I fail at microwaving parsnips.
Lunchtime: a good time to go through notes
Cumin is my friend.
Making "someday" more concrete
My train of thought hops rails like a manic iron bunny
One Velociraptor Per Child
An almost perfect normal day
More 6-word short stories
Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic
I'm not actually trying the Uberman sleep schedule
I question the functionality of my logic sometimes
Thursday morning ramble
It's walking time.
test community icon + test training
may you live in interesting times
Soup and stability
Word wrap: more adventures with sed
Is it ok for uncertainty to be ok?
C. Scott's Journal design ideas talk - posted!
The hunt for headphones
Code review tools?
After lasagna
Have people in charge of whatever they are
A stab at writing down my modus operandi
unstoppableness += 0.000001
Day in the life (again)
My god, it's full of scales!
On why stagnation is unlikely to ever be my problem
reason #15923 why I love my job
What I taught myself after work today
Sword over my head
If I had a million dollars
Re: Fedora gots mad skeelz, yo
Why startup founders don't sleep
A photo series I would like to see
Status update
How do you toot your own horn silently?
If you give a Mel a stove...
Day of Awesome
Why bounties fail
One of these things is not like the other
Brainstorming! Brainstorming!
What can we use for BigBoard connectors?
Cables cost money.
Yay for random input!
And now, good interruptions:
More powerful than caffeine
Healthy communities
A certain kind of isolation
Burning the midnight oil
Reactions to Mark Pesce's keynote
Forging a software development community
Find Mel (100 points)
unordered paths and ASL
Media snips I collided with today
Looking for pei pa koa
How to test for memory leaks
Bullet point night
My OLPC weekly report
Resuming sessions without the proper Activity makes life interesting
I now hit things in ensembles
Upgrade testing for data integrity
First day at work: XO collaboration testing
There are more than two types of chords?
Less butter. Much, much less butter.
2 habaneros + 1 serving size = PAIN
Friends who do cool things
Finances part 4: What to keep how long
Finances part 3: folders, or: what do I file?
Food tour of Boston
Finances part 2: what's tax-deductible?
Finances part 1: spending categories
Do I have any superpowers that you'd like to learn?
New-thing 2 week timer
In Glenview
Jason is here
Old posts part 3
Old posts part 2
Old posts part 1
Out to the cape
They made fondue!
I live on Yavin IV
Spicy salsa is actually spicy. I like it.
Moving in: cultural differences
Stealing some wifi from the neighbors
Draining brain of excess thought so that I can sleep
Summer /EOM
Freeze frames from the last week
Mel security vunerabilities announced (again)
Huh. It's possible to be distracted by your brain going quiet.
How can we take time out to help people get in?
Apparently I write about People and Things
Further adventures in learning to speak English
Recap of Andy-conversation
Conversations worth driving for
Did you know you can make clicking noises with your tongue?
Braindump! Now with old posts!
Welease Woger!
Another thing before I go to bed
Chicken scratch
Leopold & Loeb concert ---> happiness
All saints day
Speech therapy!
I can has brain!
Brain fibrillation
I can has musik!
Small sampling of topics on brain during last 24 hours
Book meme
Lunch at the office
My piano! I missed you.
Play! Play!
I have internet again.
Grassroots bootcamp recap
Grassroots bootcamp, day 4
Grassroots bootcamp, day 3
Grassroots bootcamp, Day 2
OLPC grassroots bootcamp, Day 1
lack of communication frustrates me.
Getting back on Planet Olin
Too tired to think of a title for this post.
Mel.status = semi-functional
Scattered braindump
Drew: an educator's response to Clay Shirky on cultural expectation of the 'net
Applying to things is annoying.
People. They are complicated.
Happenings in DC and 1cc for the past week
What are my contributions?
(more) XO repair guides
Looking for successors
Presentations at the Media Lab today
The ILXOers arrive
Olin's class of 2008 has gradumacated. (Crusty silly people.)
English through advertising
Apply for the OLPC grassroots bootcamp!
Bugmastering - a first pass
My first shell script: bundlemaker
Can it be studied? If you chase it, it slips away.
Whoa. Pika has a fire alarm!
It will get worse and it will get better. Keep working.
Money and love... and poi.
The Mel goes to Washington
How I celebrated my birthday
Talking with Andy leads to lack of sleep
Release when usable
Braindump: filipino hacker space?
Mentat Month: Ceasing annoying speech patterns
How not to get addicted to social networking
Old versions of familiar ideas
email-fu: my current system
Going away to come back
Happy Nth birthday, mom! (Where N=50.)
Smoking out logical fallacies
Site mockups, mentat month, and health books
Ignorance of limitations is... bliss?
Writing to get my brain back
Health Jam aftermath
Yet Another Internal Monologue
In Seattle
prelude: Mel++
IRC deconstruction: bahasa geek translation
Various and sundry
Last day at TOPP
Trac internal trackbacks (TracBacksPlugin)
letters, idols, and feedback loops
After reading about Montessori
Some things I love tonight
What do I do in May?
beginning in open source
On openness and privacy
and back into abundance!
On registration, patience, and the Met
Braindump in scattered shards
The calm before the storm
after playing with grep
This time last year...
More notebooks...
A letter on Maker House
Notebook snippets
Old notebooks: the cleansing
For the record:
Life: Update from Tuesday through Saturday night
Installing Trac without root privs
sprint! sprint!
Conference talking, talking, talking...
I can has self esteem? More?
One way to deal with an email backlog...
Analog vs. digital fabrication
The letter I mailed today
Eh, maybe I'll post something useful to other people tomorrow?
After 4pm today, I...
mind.state() == hypersensitive
On policies and processes
Testing in context
Impending transplant to Manhattan
Goals for this week
Whoa. I know kung fu.
Learning to test and otherwise keeping busy
Small happy moments
Eat your cat food.
Who'd like to swap functionalities for a day?
Pollard's rules of life
OpenPlans: Week 1
How do you do electronics tear-downs?
Note to self: don't move by bus
My current favorite screenshot
The dentist song (for Mom)
Extra screws and headless screens
I am a text-based ninja.
XO speakers and interesting parts
What's special about Olin?
How do you run an open source company?
Opening spiel at Speak Africa
Open source higher ed: more than a bunch of independent studies
Keyboard is fixed, OLPC Chicago was fun.
Language and fixing my keyboard
Got a round tuitt?
Filipino advertising
Some fun old pictures
Be nice to your support staff. They're trying to help.
If you give an IMSA student an XO...
In Chicago
Dual citizenship?
Upcoming downtime
Mathematics roundup
Hi, I'm the new blog.
A nose by any other name would still smell.
Backwards balikbayan box
More incoherence!
Mass production!
Oooh, fishies.
Hofstede cultural dimensions
Is open source actually open?
Regarding money...
Where are my eyebrows?
Tie an orange ribbon...
I can has babelfish?
Di tou si guxiang.
Why am I blogging?
Cagayan de Oro
Ha! productivity!
Some starting thoughts on SparkEs
Tiny roadblocks
Market day & visiting grandfather
ARTHRITIS: The Conquest! or: I miss libraries
the day before Taipei
The best thing for being sad is to learn something
Manila, II
In Manila
Explaining a tracheotomy to young children
Sherlock Holmes for engineers
Other people being funny
20 guiding principles of computing
Flying and gloves
fdisk /dev/life
Degrees don't limit you.
Online and offline laptop usage
Moment of silence
pulling an Erdos
A dialogue with my body
Glenview is ridiculous.
Back online and not looking forward to it
Steal, drink, lie, and cheat: skills for a happy life
Is this the real life, is this just fantasy
Free textbooks - different philosophies
The past 24 hours have been - interesting.
The best thing for being sad is to learn something
Thumbs up, thumbs down.
Cam: fishing for better prices with mobile phones
Jamendo rocks (no pun intended)
The Tale of the Scipline Islands
Learning parables
Why you should or should not go to $schoolname
Stuff I've enjoyed reading in the past 48 hours
Laura's on Worldchanging!
Stigmergy: why engineering educators reinvent the wheel?
This will probably be one of the last posts on this blog
Announcing the Summer of Content
The quest for plane tickets + recipe for Tim Neng
Computing thinking
It's official.
Things I never thought I'd appreciate
Up on the roof
Powering on!
Learning about PGP and microformats
Endless summer, or: with a single click, you can sponsor an OLPC Education Jam in the Philippines
4th of July: "Boating" "on the Charles"
Standardization vs specialization
Money is like chocolate.
I miss creative writing.
Wei wu wei
Back from Vancouver and Seattle! And boy am I full.
This book is not required
Beer and an unrelated note about social entrepreneurship
Visiting the Zen center
Game Jam pictures, finally
Entrepreneurship without a business
Books vs mobility
A salute to the grounded
The Jam is Over.
Game Jam, Day 2
Game Jam, Day 1
Olin students are slackers.
Obligatory my-little-brother-graduated-from-high-school post
The question is will it get done, not who is doing it
Why now?
Toothbuds and commercialist zen
Finally looked at my transcript.
Mel Chua, college graduate... and furniture mover.
Design Squad @ Continuum (belated)
ECS tutorials follow me into my sleep.
In Chicago, and glory do I have a communications backlog.
Justice or mercy?
The exponential decay of attachment
Suite dinner
Ondelettes are adorable.
Glory be, I can write about education again!
So I turned 21...
Another milestone?
Graduation speech: Pass it on
Voice rec keyboard
Short update
Public Service Academy and We Have No Water Again Again
I should be an Engineering:Education major.
Something I never expected to happen
Design as enlightenment
News flash: we're not innovative.
Summer job to encourage Olin staff innovation, bikes and financial planning
Rules of Meta
Parents on unschooling
Cultural effects on self directed learning
Learning how to practice music
On unschooling
A request for designers
Grouped tightly for your scheduling convenience
Carrot on a stick
Biology, the blockbuster
Stepping outside the story you live in
Kernel dump
History of grading
Corollary to "all models are broken"
It doesn't matter where you're going as long as you know where you are
Results of the artistic streak
They won't tell me what to do
Rice and salt in paper packets
An unexpected homecoming
We should be making beautiful things
Ok, I'm done.
Why I won't be earning money this summer
Boxes and arrows
Competencies comments
How I get my brain to sit still sometimes
Further discoveries of why I need to work in education
My name totally works out.
Polyglot content on the OLPC
[root@mel ~]#
Mel learns to meditate (or tries)
Where by "artifact" I mean "engineering toys."
In lieu of whining
Help me figure out an algorithm?
What's your frequency?
Academic freedom and political correctness
Vive la resistance
Let's talk about plasmids
The shower-curtain and Coanda effects, and velcro and randomness
Redefinitions that I'm fond of
Summer plans - the unedited version
How to install a Textpattern website on Dreamhost
Food from the Philippines
An unexpected vacation
Bill Buxton on design sketching
In the moments before I come clawing back up for air
Gender and negotiations
Buddhism == Brian Bingham
Sign through your cell phone
Trying too hard to be something?
Herbert Hoover on engineering
Immersion in the anthro world
So am I an engineer... or what?
Back in the U.S. of A
What it looks like to hear like Mel
Hearing aids that don't amplify
Talk about the world exploding.
Guinea Pigs Learn Better
Worksheets as a math teaching method
SigSys, piano style
What are signals and systems?
Why are you here?
My new voicemail message
Letters from the other side of Mel
Ambient information as a replacement for classrooms
Tipping points for the online autodidact
The flesh is willing but the spirit is a total pushover
Long-distance triage: sometimes it's good stuff.
Another short eclectic reading list
Clothes shopping: the aftermath
My Christmas present: clothing
Back in Chicago.
A web design newbie's reading survey
The winter break to-do list
Posts from last year
Thinkers and doers and the OLPC
Other people's expectations
Craziness: the antidote to boredom
Wise fools
Call for procedure for attaining maturity
The original competencies paper
The Olin Curriculum: Thinking Towards The Future
Artist's statements
Amusing fact collection
Hackstar 2.0 : not just white males?
Seely Brown on passion-based learning
If you want something done, ask the busiest person you know.
Idea clusters and ice crystals
Hackable == green
Geek moment #0x3c52ab9
Live the questions now
You might be a future grad student if...
Blinky lights
Hair and sun
Back to IMSA
The babies! They are everywhere!
Random Acts of Engineering
Ooh, a memory dump.
Learning journals and peer commentary
The Prodigy Point
PBL doesn't work?
Hurtling towards the void
Overloaders Anonymous
The future of transformational learning
President's Council dinner
Have you thanked your teachers today?
Chicken Feet
A thank you to my teachers
Building Olin, the interlude
Patents for good, patents for evil: the Blackboard case
Generation of Greatness
Spiral learning: it's like your toes.
MacArthur foundation and Digital Learning
The Olin timesaving roundup, version 1.0
President Miller on creating a new paradigm
Captioned videos online!
Those who teach, can.
Villanelle for our time
Minimalism vs Fullfeaturism
The Tipping Point
Braindump. Carry on.
Of course we're typical college students.
The art of learning how to meet productively
Barcamp: Drupal tutorial
Barcamp, Day 1
Howdy from Barcamp
Running noses and PDAs
Audio processing and accessibilty design for the deaf
BAHBC days 8-10 and the Mobile Ergonomics challenge
Ego begone.
Oh, my feet.
Why colleges are so hard to change
Math... and SCOPE! (factorial)
Wearable Captioning Device: a 6th grade project turned real
Mel on personal finance (you may laugh now)
Blueberries yes, voting no.
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."
BAHBC: Days 4-7
Lifehacker: tips for off-screen reading
BAHBC: Day 3
Book review: Self Renewal
BAHBC: Day 2
BAHBC: Day 1
Plan for the next 10 days
Back at home with Mom's Macbook
Crenshaw melons
Muse - my first concert
Mel goes to Stanford
Wikimania bloggers needed - citizen journalists unite!
Not quite on earth
Oh frabjous day!
Too many topics to count
Realizations of the week
The making of a student
Backstage in the kitchen
Summer = explosion of energy
Reflections on finals week
Old-school Chinese marriage restrictions
Mom & me
Post-Olin options
The Gift
Inter-class rifts & apathy: last year's take
Project idea: Electric-acoustic travel guitar
Buying in without selling out
Home for a reunion
Why is engineering uncool?
Things I learned today
Classroom bug reports: asking for help productively
On the future of libraries
Information Design: engineering datastreams
How to cultivate an uberstudent population
How to cultivate an uberstudent population
The world is too much with us
Musical phrases of happiness
Design team dynamics
AHScap and closing doors
Sleep and dad
How do you "get" lectures?
A Cadeic Cadenza - geek poetry
The Harvard Guide to Happiness
Being biased against bias
The long work-haul: insert triumphant music here
Buying kitchen knives
New monitor == isolation, mother's coming, application time
How to give a presentation without speaking
Two random memories
Must... optimize... life!
The well-balanced geek
A little experiment with wording
Jet lag and the revelations of solitary
Home again
Life in the Philippines 3: I miss vegetables
Life in the Philippines 2: faith, food, and GK
Happy New Year!
Report from the Philippines, week 1
Return of the sleep debt
mel.age == mel.age
Can Olin's grading system be changed?
Reading: My superpower
I'd like my nasal passages back, please.
Sanity management
Burning the candle at both ends
Ron Jeffries on Passion
Information Design - a new discipline?
Wait, I don't have to be an ECE?
Laptops out, family in, schedule almost set
Asking good questions, nocturnality, tradition, and in memoriam
On the future of libraries
How do you learn unleadership?
Mel's off-duty vest
Swallowing pride, finding a focus, loving design, and breaking aluminum
Solitude isn't all that bad.
Holy Overdue Work, Batman!
More memes.
20 things
Wow, my brain is so broken.
Parents' Day Orphan
Yee Frickin' Haw.
Sudafed is great!
My throat hurts.
New books!
Me + Lectures = Incomprehension
Freezing rain
Ah, academia.
Drop one thing
Sit down and shut up
Winter productivity
The Blog, She is Up
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