Two terms I've fallen in love with:

  • Awesome - as in "Are you for or general saving the world as defined by Olin students.) When you're describing (for instance) your new social entrepreneurship project with great gusto, someone will inevitably say - without thinking - "oh man, that's awesome!" and then you both catch the double meaning and laugh. It's a choice of words that can only be described as... well, awesome.
  • Wicked - as in "wicked problems." I didn't know there was such a term, but the engineering equivalent is probably Systems. "Wicked problems have incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements; and solutions to them are often difficult to recognize as such because of complex interdependencies." These are the problems I love to work on.

Isn't it great how we can reinvent semantics by just talking and thinking acting as if the definitions we want things to have already exist?