(partial) win!
I'm actually pretty happy with what I was able to accomplish tonight, given that I spent just a few hours on all this. (Note to self: get cleaning duties out of the way early in the week so you don't keep getting distracted by them.) Hyperfocusing occasionally leads to efficiency.
Piano reflections from last week blogged( too.)Piano practice routine for this week written outMy Fedora todo list is updated(here it is!)and all projects on it have moved one step forward (at least) -in particular, my Edu SIG tasks should be all done.(Yes, they are! I revamped the SIG page, started a spin roadmap, and think Sebastian totally rocks.)All my computers at pika have an internet connection(Cables, power strip acquired; contractors not done working with house so we don't have outlets in our room yet. But I've gone as far as I can go.)My Sugar Labs todo list is updated.(Here's the list - and I called people to help.)The living room is clean(Cleaned kitchen instead; living room deferred to tomorrow on account of Vacuum Is Loud And People Are Sleeping Now.)My parents have been called and appeased with the information that I am, in fact, still alive and well.(Emailed. Good enough.)
Things I did not do:
- All POSSE stuff updated to the point where I can do no more until people reply. (Some of it has. Not all. Oh well. I wake up soon.)
- My May finances have been totaled up (Uh... yes. I need to retrieve some paperwork from various not-at-pika drawers. I also fully recognize I am procrastinating on this because I hate doing finances. I wonder if there is a way to make myself like it, or at least dislike it less.)
- RapidSMS checkup, group and individual updates (This is what tomorrow's bus ride is for.)
- At least one of my inboxes is at zero. (Must figure out a realistic goal for this. I haven't found that balance yet, but it's coming.)
Things I didn't plan on doing, but did anyway:
- Helped out with a product design / humor ideation study, which was interesting
- Chilled with cousins, including pancakes, passport photos, and making sure Melanie and her friend got on the right train to the Commons
- Impromptu jam session with saxophone
- Read two books while waiting for various things to happen.
- Did not kill my wrists! (Rubbing them out during breaks and taking long breaks is, I think, a healthy thing.)
Matt and I also hooked up the projector in our room and celebrated with a viewing of Om Shanti Om. I am not sure how Matt came to be obsessed with this musical number, but okay.
Discovered unexpected benefit of cleaning murph; extra books make fantastic monitor levelers. The Mac is sitting on two dictionaries (Webster and Random House). The Fedora-riffic Thinkpad is perched atop a couple French books, a probability text, and Our Bodies, Ourselves. The HP Vista box has Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Metabolic Engineering, and The Intelligent Investor. I use the Thinkpad maybe 95% of the time right now. I'm thinking of interesting cross-platform stuff to do across all three machines.