Email shoveling, interrupted
Sprint 1: Target 310 or lower; actual achievement 270 (however, interrupted by a few email replies when my perfectionism occasionally got the better of me and demanded a good response before closing off a thread.
Sprint 2: Target 135 or lower; actual achievement 285 (not really as bad as it seems; a flood of email hit in the meantime).
At this point, I noticed that my hand/arm/shoulder muscles were taut in the wrong places, meaning that I should ease off a bit and work through my muscles (which I did; they'll be fine for tomorrow now) so I took a brief nap and then biked/bused/train-rode into town and played with dogs and cameras and had tapas for the remainder of the evening.
The email adventure will re-commence tomorrow; I'll do email sprints in between work sprints. Hoo-yah!