FUDBus riders / Boston folks with couches, read this.
Advantage of Thanksgiving day: free time, more space and time for me to do the things I've wanted to do since leaving for Singapore.
Disadvantage of Thanksgiving: remembering to use it for the right things (right now, butternut squash soup preparation, not reading through my email/feedreader backlog or gleefully traipsing through Wikipedia articles on things I was interested in). Besides, if I don't start now, the pie will not be baked in time.
If you meet any of the below criteria:
- Riding the FUDBus
- In need of crash space in Boston immediately before or after FUDCon (regardless of whether or not you are on the FUDBus)
- Can offer crash space in Boston immediately before or after FUDCon (regardless of whether or not you are going to FUDCon)
Then you should read which contains bus details and a call for Boston-area couches.
That is all.