Sugar on a Stick contributors portal page revision: thoughts?
I just sent this email to the Sugar on a Stick mailing list and am too tired to make it sound less like an email and more like a blog post, yet thought people should read it and see what we're up to in preparation for the impending Tuesday release of this Fedora spin.
With the impending Tuesday release of SoaS v.3 Mirabelle, we figured that a contributor portal would be a good idea.
Behold the draft:
The idea is that http://spins.fedoraproject.
project, download the image, and use it - and that the wiki page at
page revision at the end of tomorrow (Monday) and serve as the main contributors portal, with the two referring to each other.
You may notice that four stubs remain:
Pointers to resources and/or help filling these out is super-welcome, as is feedback on the idea as a whole. I'll be looking at feedback and
making the merge when I'm out work tomorrow night; we can of course make edits after that (it is a wiki, after all) but it would be nice
to have something shiny-looking and shippable when the release goes out.
PS: As a reminder, we have our SoaS v.3 "how did we do?" review meeting on Tuesday, June 1st, in #sugar-meeting at 1900 UTC.